Welcome to the Rothline blog site. I hope you enjoy the information provided here. My name is Lawrence Roth, and I started the Rothline website over twenty years ago. I learned how to develop websites after getting a job with an ecommerce company before the infamous dot com bust. This website has been a hobby.
Until now. I have started focusing on stories from folklore and urban legends. Then I learned about the Hex House of Tulsa, which has taken over my website. I started learning about the Hex House by getting a copy, from the Tulsa Library, of the Tulsa newspaper articles from 1944 when the story first broke. Then I researched newspaper articles from across the nation in order to make a series of YouTube videos about the story.
The story of the Hex House of Tulsa is a large, complex story. So, I started posting some of the many things I have learned on this website. I update this website when possible. I also plan to make improvements to the website and add features that usually exist on blogs like comments and so on. I am a die-hard do-it-myself-er so I don’t rely on ready made blog apps like WordPress. I’m weird that way.
In the meantime, if you have questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email me at Larry.Roth(at)Rothline.com.
Please, check back often to see if I have added something new, and also check out my social media sites listed on the left.