On Friday the 13th of November 1970 near El Reno, Oklahoma a couple of hunters encountered a Sasquatch. It was around 2 in the morning, it was cold, there was snow on the ground, and a full moon. The hunters were parked east of the Foreman Road bridge along the south bank of the North Canadian River. While in their vehicle where they sipped on coffee one of the hunters saw a skunk walking towards the car. He got out to shot it and as he took aim he felt like he was being watched. He looked over his right shoulder towards the bank of the river and saw a large shadow behind a fallen tree. He turned to look over his left shoulder to see what was causing the shadow and he saw two red eyes. He thought, at first, they were red reflectors, but then the eyes blinked. He asked his friend to get out of the car and look. He pointed to the shadow and it moved. They heard something large as a refrigerator, splash into the river. They ran to look and saw a tall, upright gorilla run along the sand bar of the river. They were shocked by what they saw, and they felt like nobody would believe them. So they decided to keep the encounter a secret. A short time later they heard a story of the "El Reno Chicken Man." The "El Reno Chicken Man" is described as being a gorilla that walks like a man, and steals chickens from local farms. The story that the hunters heard took place on Wednesday the 30th of December 1970. A farmer was awakened in the early morning by a commotion. He investigated and found that a door had been ripped off of the chicken coop. The door laid on the ground near several large human footprints. The farmer contacted a game ranger and he investigated. The ranger also had a zoologist assess the evidence. They made copies of the hand and foot prints in and around the chicken coop and compared those to large animals at the zoo, but they did not find a match. An article in The Oklahoma Journal on Sunday the 28th of February 1971 suggested that this "El Reno Chicken Man" was a chimpanzee that had escaped from a zoo. However, the few farmers who had seen the "El Reno Chicken Man" described the creature as a tall gorilla with black fur that walks on two legs. Over the next twenty-plus years the sightings of the "El Reno Chicken Man" decreased. So, it was believed that this man or creature had either died or moved on. However, on Friday the 13th of September 2002 a couple of wildlife biologist were in the woods of El Reno setting up motion sensitive cameras a few miles north of the North Canadian River. They had walked a ways into the woods when one of the biologists decided to return to the vehicle and move it closer to the trail. The biologist remaining in the woods saw a white-tail buck trot nearby so he attempted to follow. He had not gone far when a large black creature ran out from behind a tree. It ran on two legs, rapidly, across a break in the narrow band of trees. The creature appeared to be a tall and muscular gorilla with wide shoulders. It ran stooped over, like it was trying to hide.
Suggested Sites:
- Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization: https://www.bfro.net/
- Expedition Bigfoot | Travel Channel: https://www.travelchannel.com/shows/expedition-bigfoot
- Honobia Bigfoot Festival and Conference: https://www.honobiabigfoot.com/
- North American Wood Ape Conservancy: https://www.woodape.org/
- The Bigfoot Mapping Project: https://www.bigfootmap.com/
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